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Tips Manajemen Waktu Mahasiswa

             Banyak mahasiswa, terutama mahasiswa baru, merasa bahwa kebiasaan belajar yang dilakukannya sudah memadai. Manajemen waktu yang dilakukan sudah efisien. Terbukti di SMA dulu mereka adalah murid terpandai atau setidaknya tidak pernah merasa kesulitan mendapatkan nilai yang baik. Kemudian seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, beberapa diantara mahasiswa ini menyadari bahwa nilai yang diperoleh tidaklah secermelang seperti ketika di SMA. Nilai A atau B sepertinya sulit dijangkau. Mengapa? Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi? Salah satu jawabannya mungkin karena ketrampilan belajar, termasuk manajemen waktunya, kurang efektif. Kuliah di perguruan tinggi memang berbeda dengan belajar di SMA, karena itu manajemen waktu yang ada mestinya turut disesuaikan.

           Memang tidak ada satu cara yang ampuh yang berlaku bagi semua orang dalam manajemen waktu, tetapi dengan mengenali diri sendiri dengan lebih baik anda dapat menentukan bagaimana anda akan mempergunakan waktu anda dengan lebih efektif. Patut pula diingat bahwa inti dari manajemen waktu adalah konsentrasi pada hasil dan bukan sekedar menyibukkan diri. Banyak orang menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan berbagai kegiatan yang seakan tiada habisnya tetapi tidak mendapat capaian apapun karena kurang konsentrasi pada hal yang benar.
Semester ganjil (PTA) 2010/2011 telah berakhir dan semester genap (ATA 2011/2012) sudah dimulai. Mungkin sekaranglah waktu yang tepat untuk mulai melakukan majamen waktu yang lebih sesuai.

Siklus Manajemen Waktu

Salah satu sistem manajemen waktu yang bisa dipilih oleh mahasiswa adalah menggunakan sistem siklus pada setiap tahun ajaran atau setiap semester. Itulah sebabnya saya mengatakan bahwa sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk memulai manajeman waktu. Umumnya sistem ini dimulai dengan menetapkan tujuan (goal setting) untuk mengukuhkan konteks bagi manajemen waktu. Berikutnya adalah menelusuri penggunaan waktu dan membangun kesadaran tentang bagaimana anda akan menghabiskan waktu. Tahap ketiga adalah membuat rencana, dan ini termasuk membuat to do list, rencana mingguan, rencana bulanan, dan rencana semesteran. Tahap keempat adalah memantau (self monitoring) apa yang telah dikerjakan. Pada tahap ini anda menilai seberapa baik anda menjalankan rencana, seberapa akurat anda membuat rencana, seberapa tepat anda menduga kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan, dan sebagainya. Tahap akhir dari siklus manajemen waktu ini adalah pergeseran dan penyesuaian waktu dimana anda melakukan koreksi terhadap sistem yang berjalan sebelum memulai siklus yang baru.

Evaluasi Waktu
Sebelum memulai melakukan manajemen waktu, ada baiknya anda evaluasi terlebih dahulu apa yang telah anda lakukan selama ini dengan menjawab pertanyaan berikut: Pertama, lima kegiatan/aktivitas apa yang paling banyak menyita waktu anda (menonton tv, main PS, jalan-jalan ke mall, belajar, tidur, ngobrol, atau apa?). Kedua, jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini: 

·             Apakah anda mengestimasi berapa jam anda membutuhkan waktu untuk belajar setiap minggu?
·             Apakah anda selalu tepat waktu dalam mengerjakan tugas?
·             Apakah anda mulai mengerjakan tugas akhir/penulisan ilmiah pada awal semester?
·             Apakah anda membuat daftar apa yang harus dikerjakan (to do list)?
·             Apakah anda menentukan target tertentu untuk setiap periode studi?
·             Apakah anda memulai belajar dengan mengerjakan tugas/pr yang paling sulit?
·             Apakah anda menyelesaikan belajar anda selama jam produktif setiap harinya?
Kalau jawaban anda pada kuis di atas lebih banyak “Tidak” dari pada “Ya”, maka sudah saatnya anda melakukan manajemen waktu yang baru.

Langkah untuk Meningkatkan Manajemen Waktu
Di awal tulisan telah disebutkan bahwa, mula-mula anda harus menetapkan tujuan. Apakah anda punya target yang ingin anda capai pada semester sekarang? Jika anda sudah yakin dengan tujuan dan target yang ingin anda raih pada semester ini, maka anda sudah bisa memulai membuat jadwal semester.    
1.      Membuat Jadwal Semester
a.       Catat tugas mata kuliah yang telah diketahui: paper, proyek penelitian, kuis, dan sejenisnya. Mencatat tugas pada setiap awal semester membuat anda mengetahui kapan anda membutuhkan waktu lebih banyak untuk kegiatan akademik dan kapan anda punya waktu lebih longgar untuk aktivitas lainnya
b.      Catat aktivitas ko-kurikuler termasuk hari kerja (jika bekerja), pertemuan atau rapat organisasi, aktivitas sosial, jadwal keluar kota (pulang kampung di akhir pekan atau liburan), dan sejenisnya. Mencatat aktivitas ko-kurikuler memungkinkan anda mendapat gambaran yang lebih akurat tentang seberapa penuh atau seberapa luang jadwal anda selama satu semester. Aktivitas non akademik ini penting untuk menciptakan keseimbangan pada jadwal anda
Penting untuk diingat bahwa setelah anda mempunyai jadwal kegiatan semesteran ini, anda perlu memperbaharui jadwal semester ini secara berkala. Perubahan tenggat waktu pengumpulan tugas, misalnya, atau tugas matakuliah yang baru dan aktivitas lain yang perlu direncanakan, menyebabkan jadwal harus dikoreksi dan diperbaharui. Mempunyai  jadwal semester yang akurat penting untuk tahap berikutnya dari proses ini, yaitu merencanakan beban kerja mingguan. 
2.      Menilai dan Merencanakan Jadwal Mingguan
a.       Buat daftar apa yang harus dikerjakan dalam minggu depan, termasuk tugas kuliah, praktikum, kuis. Buatlah daftar ini inklusif, karena segala sesuatu membutuhkan waktu, apakah itu membaca satu bab, mengerjakan soal latihan, atau menulis outline untuk makalah penelitian
b.      Masukkan dalam daftar apa yang harus dikerjakan minggu itu: aktivitas ko-kurikuler, jam kerja, olah raga, makan, dan kumpul dengan teman. Aktivitas sehari-hari dan aktivitas ko-kurikuler penting dan menciptakan keseimbangan hidup, walaupun itu berarti mengambil waktu belajar. Mempersiapkan makan dan mandi, misalnya, atau menghadiri rapat organisasi bisa menghabiskan waktu sebanyak waktu untuk membaca satu bab buku ajar
c.       Estimasikan berapa lama setiap tugas dapat diselesaikan. Setiap aktivitas membutuhkan waktu yang berbeda, sehingga penting sekali untuk mengestimasikan berapa lama setiap tugas dapat diselesaikan dan menyediakan waktu untuk tugas tersebut. Bila anda tidak tahu berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan tugas, lebih baik mengestimasikan waktu secara konservatif. Jika anda dapat menyelesaikan waktu 30 menit lebih cepat dari yang anda perhitungkan, anda dapat menggunakan waktu sisanya untuk mengerjakan apapun yang anda suka, tetapi jika anda tidak dapat menyelesaikan dalam waktu yang telah direncanakan maka anda harus mengambil waktu dari kegiatan lain untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang membutuhkan waktu lebih lama dari yang direncanakan.
d.      Identifikasi pada hari apa setiap tugas akan diselesaikan, selalu ingat waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan setiap tugas itu dan hal-hal lain yang juga harus dikerjakan pada hari itu. Dengan melihat jadwal minggu itu dan menyadari apa saja yang harus dikerjakan setiap harinya, tenggat tidak akan terlewati. Anda dapat membuat penyesuaian pada minggu tersebut, misalnya, jika anda melihat ada tugas yang membutuhkan waktu 6 jam untuk menyelesaikannya padahal hanya ada waktu tiga jam sebelum tenggat.
Membuat jadwal minggu berikutnya setiap jumat petang atau jumat malam adalah suatu kebiasaan yang baik. Karena jika minggu berikutnya jadwal sangat padat, maka akan sangat membantu jika menyelesaikan sebagian tugas pada akhir pekan itu agar tekanan pada minggu yang akan datang berkurang.
3.    Jadwal Setiap Hari
a.       Tulis jadwal harian pada setiap pagi. Termasuk tugas-tugas yang belum selesai dari hari sebelumnya. Pembuatan jadwal harian ini hanya membutuhkan beberapa menit saja karena anda sudah mempunyai jadwal mingguan sebagai pedoman. Gunakan kartu indeks atau buku kecil atau notes untuk mencatat jadwal harian ini agar anda dapat membawanya kemana-mana dan memeriksanya setiap saat untuk  menandai tugas mana saja yang sudah diselesaikan.
b.    Berikan skala prioritas untuk setiap tugas harian yang telah ditulis. Beberapa aktivitas harus dikerjakan hari itu dan sebagian lagi mungkin merupakan opsional untuk diselesaikan hari itu. Anda dapat menggunakan sistem A,B, C untuk memberi prioritas pada setiap tugas. A diberikan pada tugas yang harus diselesaikan pada hari itu dan C adalah opsional, sedangkan B penting tetapi tidak sepenting A. Cobalah untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas A sebelum mulai mengerjakan tugas B, dan akhirnya yang C. Cara ini dapat mengurangi tingkat stress karena beban tugas yang cukup banyak.
4.      Evaluasi Setiap Jadwal
a.       Evaluasi jadwal setiap pagi. Tanyakan pada diri sendiri apakah jadwal hari itu cukup realistis. Tuliskan berapa jam setiap tugas akan diselesaikan. Jika dirasa tidak mungkin diselesaikan, buang beberapa tugas dengan prioritas B dan C dari jadwal
b.    Evaluasi jadwal setiap malam. Apakah semua tugas dalam daftar telah diselesaikan? Jika tidak, mengapa? Apakah karena jadwalnya tidak realistis atau manajemen waktunya yang tidak efektif? Apa penyesuaian yang bisa dilakukan agar di lain waktu anda dapat membuat jadwal yang lebih baik?

Upayakan agar Manajemen Waktu Berjalan dengan Baik
Menurut sistem kredit semester (SKS) mahasiswa belajar setidaknya dua jam di luar kelas untuk setiap jam belajar di kelas (ada universitas yang merekomendasikan lebih dari dua jam!). Jika seorang mahasiswa mengambil 18 SKS, yang berarti kuliah di kelas 18 jam per minggu, maka mahasiswa tersebut harus belajar sedikitnya 36 jam per minggu di luar kelas secara mandiri. Jadi mahasiswa tersebut harus merencanakan total jam belajar di kelas dan di luar kelas sebanyak 54 jam per minggu. 
Pada awal tulisan, anda sudah mengidentifikasi lima kegiatan yang paling banyak menyita waktu anda. Nah, apakah anda siap untuk mengurangi atau mengganti aktivitas yang anda rasa dapat menggagalkan target belajar anda?

Berikut adalah beberapa strategi yang mungkin membantu membuat jadwal Anda menjadi efektif dan efesien.

  1. Identifikasi waktu terbaik pada setiap harinya.
Apakah Anda termasuk seorang “night person” atau “morning person”? Gunakan kekuatan waktu tersebut untuk belajar. Belajar pada waktu terbaik setiap harinya - apakah itu pagi (jika anda seorang “morning person”) atau malam hari (jika anda seorang “night person”) - memungkinkan anda menyelesaikan tugas dalam waktu yang lebih singkat.

  1. Belajar subyek yang sulit atau membosankan lebih dulu.
Dalam keadaan segar, informasi dapat diproses lebih cepat dan anda jadi lebih menghemat waktu. Alasan lainnya adalah lebih mudah mendapatkan motivasi untuk mempelajari sesuatu yang menyenangkan pada saat lelah daripada mempelajari subyek yang membosankan.

  1. Pastikan bahwa lingkungan sekitar kondusif untuk belajar.
Perpustakaan adalah tempat yang baik untuk belajar karena satu-satunya yang bisa dilakukan di perpustakaan adalah belajar. Tetapi jika perpustakaan tidak memungkinkan untuk belajar (karena jam operasi yang terbatas, misalnya), carilah tempat (dan waktu) yang memang benar-benar jauh dari gangguan.

  1. Jangan tinggalkan rekreasi dan hiburan.
Kuliah di perguruan tinggi tidak berarti anda harus belajar sepanjang waktu. Anda harus tetap mempunyai kehidupan sosial demi keseimbangan hidup anda. Jadi, tidak ada salahnya anda menjadwalkan berkunjung dan mengobrol dengan teman atau mengerjakan hobi anda yang lain.

  1. Usahakan anda punya waktu tidur dan makan yang cukup dan berkualitas.
Tidur seringkali dianggap sebagai “bank” dalam manajemen waktu. Maksudnya, setiap kali anda mendapat tugas yang membutuhkan waktu cukup banyak, anda akan “mengambil” waktu tidur anda untuk mengerjakan tugas. Hal ini jelas tidak efektif karena anda pasti akan memerlukan waktu yang lebih banyak lagi untuk mengerjakan tugas karena tubuh anda kelelahan sehingga kurang konsentrasi. Jadi kebutuhan tidur anda haruslah tetap diperhatikan.

  1. Manfaatkan waktu menunggu atau kombinasikan dua kegiatan.
Jika anda menggunakan transpotasi umum untuk pergi dan pulang dari kampus anda seringkali harus menunggu beberapa menit bahkan beberapa jam di halte atau peron. Mengapa tidak manfaatkan waktu menunggu tersebut untuk membaca? Bawalah catatan atau ringkasan kuliah kemana pun anda pergi dan baca setiap ada kesempatan meskipun hanya satu paragraf.
Jika anda menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, mobil misalnya, jangan membaca sambil mengemudi karena sangat berbahaya. Tapi tidak berarti tidak bisa belajar selama perjalanan. Dengarkan saja rekaman belajar anda sendiri dari kaset.  

Nah, anda sekarang sudah mempunyai manajemen waktu anda sendiri. Selamat belajar dan semoga cepat SARJANA!!!!

PT. Profab Total Valve Services Indonesia - Lowongan kerja Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja - PT. Profab Total Valve Services Indonesia, currently we are looking for qualified candidate to join our professional team as follow:


* Completion of university degree in Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor). GPA minimum 3.0. Graduated from well known university is preferred (ITB, UI, UH etc.)
* Fresh graduate (less than 1 year)
* Good engineering and interpersonal skills
* Personal neatness, professional attire
* Good Communication skill (English/Bahasa) both oral and writing
* Strong capability on computer literacy especially engineering software: (Solid Works, Mathlab, etc.)
* Willing to travel (more than 50 percent) and allocated out of town for a certain period of time if required

How to apply:
For interested candidates and meet the requirements, please send your resume and complete references to:

Email : Only Registered Users Can See Links  Click Here To Register

McDermott Indonesia-Lowongan kerja Juni 2011

McDermott IndonesiaMcDermott is a leading engineering, procurement, construction and installation (“EPCI”) company focused on executing complex offshore oil and gas projects worldwide. Providing fully integrated EPCI services for upstream field developments, we deliver fixed and floating production facilities, pipelines and subsea systems from concept to commissioning.

Our customers include national and major energy companies. Operating in more than 20 countries across the Atlantic, Middle East and Asia Pacific, our integrated resources include more than 16,000 employees and a diversified fleet of marine vessels, fabrication facilities and engineering offices. McDermott has served the energy industry since 1923.

Offshore HSE Advisor (Jakarta)


* Min Diploma degree
* Internationally recognized qualification in occupational health and safety
* ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001
* Knowledge will be an advantage
* Technical writing and computer skills

Welding Engineer (Batam)

* Metallurgical engineer degree from reputable university
* Having knowledge of welding/material
* Good attitude, a self starter and keen to learn

HSE Trainer (Batam)

* Min Diploma / Bachelor degree
* Successful track record in managing a team
* Plans organizes and executes activities and project well & in advance
* Works in systematic, methodical and orderly way
* Sets high standards for quality

General Requirements:

* Indonesian
* Fluency in written and spoken English
* Computer literate, MS Office skill
* Min 3 years working experience in similar position, offshore experience will be advantageous
* Work experience and demonstrated ability of oral and written communication may be substituted in lieu of formal education
* Willing to travel to companies other regional facilities in Batam, Singapore or offshore

Compensation package offered to the successful candidate will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please send us a full detail of your qualifications, working experience, current and expected salary and the most recent photograph to:

PT McDermott Indonesia
Wisma Tugu II, 5th Floor (Attn. HRD Marine Department)
Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-7, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940
Email: or
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified


SucofindoSUCOFINDO was established on October 22, 1956 as the first inspection company in Indonesia to 95% of its shares controlled by the Republic of Indonesia and 5% owned by Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) Holding, SA.
Beginning with the development of trading activities primarily on agricultural commodities, the smooth flow of goods and securing the State foreign exchange in import-export trade, and through creativity, innovation SUCOFINDO new services on the basis of competence in line with the development needs of the business.
Now SUCOFINDO is opewning position for:
Suvervisor For Mechanical, Electrical and Civil

Requirements for applicants as follows:
* Male / Female
* S1 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering S1 (Powerful Flow) and S1 Civil
* Work experience min. 2 (two) years in the field
* Physical and Spiritual Health

Send your cover letter , Copy of diploma, List of Values and Copy of ID card to:
Jl. Kalibutuh 215, Surabaya /


PT Freeport Indonesia - Graduate Development Program 2011

Tinjauan Kebijakan dan Prosedur
Setiap tahun, Departemen-departemen dalam PTFI meminta untuk menempatkan lulusan-lulusan baru dari bidang studi yang berbeda. Permintaan-permintaan ini dikumpulkan oleh Departemen Quality Management Services PTFI. Kandidat-kandidat yang potensial dicari dari universitas-universitas yang bereputasi. Kandidat disaring dan kemudian diseleksi. Peluang penempatan termasuk:
  • Lulusan baru: Graduate Development Program (GDP)
  • Mahasiswa Tahun Akhir: Cooperative Student Program (Co-op)
Penyaringan dan Penyeleksian Kandidat
QMS bekerja sama dengan universitas-universitas terakreditasi di Indonesia untuk proses penyeleksian kandidat. Universitas-universitas tersebut adalah: Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung) Universitas Gajah Mada (Yogyakarta) Universitas Padjajaran (Bandung) Universitas Indonesia (Jakarta) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (Surabaya) Universitas Trisakti (Jakarta) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (Yogyakarta) Universitas Sriwijaya (Palembang) Universitas Cendrawasih (Jayapura) Universitas Sains & Teknologi Jayapura (Jayapura).
Bidang-bidang studi utama yang berlaku untuk PTFI: Teknik Pertambangan, Metalurgi, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Listrik, Geologi, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknologi Informasi/Ilmu Komputer, Kimia, Akunting, Sumber Daya Manusia, Psikologi, Komunikasi, Teknik Industri, dam Manajemen Administrasi Bisnis.
Kecenderungan Penerimaan Lulusan Baru
PTFI telah meningkatkan jumlah penerimaan lulusan dalam masing-masing tahun selama 4 tahun terakhir. Penerimaan untuk program tahun 2006 berjumlah lebih dari 100 lulusan baru dan merupakan peningkatan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan program tahun 2005. Perusahaan ingin menarik lebih dari 160 lulusan baru untuk program tahun 2008
Kriteria Seleksi
  • Persyaratan Akademik: Kandidat terdaftar dalam program gelar universitas atau telah berhasil menyelesaikan suatu program tersebut, pada bidang studi yang terpilih, di universitas di Indonesia atau di luar negeri (IPK 2,8)
  • Tes Seleksi Pendahuluan: Kandidat memenuhi standar perusahaan yang disyaratkan
  • Wawancara Seleksi Pendahuluan mengindikasikan bahwa kandidat: Memiliki tekad dan keuletan Cepat belajar dan tanggap terhadap umpan balik
  • Menunjukkan tingkat integritas yang tinggi Sesuai dengan Standar Kompetensi Inti PTFI, sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dan budaya PTFI, menunjukkan kemauan untuk mencapai hasil, menyukai ide untuk tinggal di area terpencil
  • Menunjukkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik
  • Tidak lebih dari 2 tahun sejak kelulusan.
Proses Penerimaan Peserta GDP

Program 3 Tahun GDP

Pengembangan Kompetensi

Keselamatan, Kesehatan kerja dan Lindung Lingkungan Pertambangan
- Sistem K3LLP PTFI

Sistem Manajemen Karyawan
- Sistem Manajemen Karyawan PTFI

Bahasa Inggris:
- Teknis Profesional
- Verbal, Lisan dan tertulis

Keterampilan Presentasi:
- Teori
- Praktek
Komputer / MS Office:
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Access
- Project

Teknis, Area Kerja:
- Bidang ilmu khusus
- Area Kerja khusus
Kompetensi Inti PTFI:
- Orientasi Pencapaian
- Pemikiran Analitis
- Masalah Keselamatan dan Lingkungan
- Kepekaan Budaya
- Orientasi Keberhaasilan Pelanggan
- Kepemimpinan Tim
Metode-metode Pengembangan
  • Rencana Rotasi Kerja - rotasi di berbagai bagian dalam departemen
  • Rencana Pengembangan Terfokus – pengembangan kompetensi yang dimiliki posisi tertentu
  • Pembelajaran di Luar Tempat Kerja
  • Pembelajaran di Tempat Kerja
  • Pembelajaran Diri Sendiri
  • Observasi Terstruktur
  • Penugasan kelompok dan/atau individual berskala kecil
  • Anggota tim – Proyek-proyek jangka pendek
  • Pemimpin Proyek – Proyek-proyek kecil
Mengirimkan Aplikasi
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, Riwayat Hidup / Resume / CV, Transkrip Akademik dan/atau Sertifikat Gelar ke:
New Graduates Center
Quality Management Services Department
PT Freeport Indonesia
P.O. Box 3148
Jakarta 10001
Cantumkan “GDP” dan Nama Anda, Bidang Studi/Major, dan Nama Universitas di sudut kiri bawah amplop.
Atau kirim Surat Lamaran & Riwayat Hidup / Resume / CV dalam format MS Word, dan scan Transkrip Akademik dan/ atau scan Sertifikat Gelar ke e-mail kami di:
Cantumkan “GDP” dan Nama Anda, Bidang Studi/Major, dan Nama Universitas di subjek e-mail.


The Royal Institution of Naval Architects - JOB VACANCY

Rina IndonesiaPT. Rina Indonesia is subsidiary company from RINA S.p.A as the operational company Registro Italiano Navale which was founded in Geneva in 1861. The company mainly operated in the fields of ship classification, certification and advanced services to industry. We are now in urgent needs of skilled and highly caliber candidates to fill in our employments as

  • Good knowledge and minimum 3 years experience in Ship Survey
  • Able to use computer
  • Good Leadership and management skill
  • High discipline and work commitment
For candidates whom meet these requirements, send your CV and application letter, attached with newest photo, address to: email;


PT. INDOSTRAITS. Lowongan kerja Naval Architect PT Indostraits. Straits Asia Resources Limited (SARL) is listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, has a market capitalization of S$3.5 billion. SARL has both coal mining business and construction business more than 10 years. In coal mining business, SARL has  2 coal producing projects in Indonesia (Sebuku project, South Kalimantan and Jembayan project, East Kalimantan). In construction business, SARL has 3 projects in Indonesia (marine engineering, civil engineering, and transshipment).  SARL is employing more than 1000 employees in Indonesia and Singapore and working with the high international safety standard. SARL is bringing the work and benefits to local communities and environmental rehabilitation.
Due to our continued expansion and recently announced acquisitions, we are seeking the services of a suitably qualified and experienced candidate for below position in one of our many projects

Naval Architect
* Bachelor’s Degree in Naval Engineering or Maritime Studies.
* Has experience in shipping and ship builder company.
* Has experience knowledge for ship design.
* Has experience for shiping equipment.
* Min 5 year(s) of working experiences in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably has experiences as coordinator in Naval Engineering field.
* Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects and priorities.
* Excellent communication, organization and planning skills.
* Good English both speak in written is a must.
Preferred character:
* Trustworthy, Loyal, Cooperative, Helpful, Hardworking, initiative, innovative.
* Able to work under pressure and independently with minimum supervision
* Handle engineering issue of equipment maintenance and docking.
* Handle shipping regulation and shipping standard / ISO.
* Responsible for budgeting of reparation and docking.
* Responsible for the many phases of equipment such as spare parts and components of crane barge, tug boat, coal barge, etc.
* Other job required by the Management or Project/Site Manager from project site.

If your meet our requirements send your details CV & don’t forget to put the position as subject of your application by post or e-mail to:
Graha Kirana, 15th Floor
Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav. 88 Jakarta Utara 14350
E-mail to:
Attn. HR Department


PT. YAMA ENGINEERING , a new growth EPC Contractor in Oil and Gas industry, is immediately seeking highly qualified and experience professional who can work as a team with proven competencies in the whole range of development and improvement initiatives to fill the following positions for:

Graduate Engineering Degree in any discipline
3- 6 Years work experience into EPCI Industries
Good Communication and Project Management Skills.
The Job expect the following skill sets:
Strong Project Management Skills
Strong People Management Skill
Strong Project Execution skill
Strong Project Planning Skills

• Education: min. S1 Chemical Engineering Degree.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Experience of basic engineering, detail engineering, pre-commissioning/ commissioning, start-up for project on Oil & Gas Facilities.
• Expert in Process & Design Simulation, Process Eng. Calculation, HAZID & HAZOP, PFD, Material balance, P&ID, Process Data Sheets, Design and specifications, proposal/project development involving detailed calculation, Process studies, Operating & Shutdown Philosophy, Operating Manual.
• Having knowledge and skill of process engineering software: HYSYS, HTRI, Flaresim, Flarenet and related process engineering software.

• Education: min. S1 Electrical Engineering Degree.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Expert in preparing electrical design, calculations, specifications, data sheets & RFQ.
• Having knowledge and skill of Electrical Engineering Software: ETAP Powerstation, Luxicon, Visual 2.0, PROTEC 2000 and ROCTEX CTM Software.
• Having capability to analyze technical vendor quotation(TBE).
• Having knowledge with International Codes and Standards.

• Education: min. S1 Physic/Electrical Engineering Degree.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Expert in preparing instrument basic design, sizing calculations, specifications, data sheets, RFQ & TBE, preparing pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures.
• Expert in field instrumentation section material such as flow meters, analyzers, gas chromatographs, etc also program logic controller (PLC).
• Having good knowledge and skill of Instrument Engineering software: Ntools ver. 6 & 7, Instrucalc 5.0.
• Having knowledge with International Codes and Standards.

• Education: min. S1 Mechanical Engineering Degree.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Expert in preparing mechanical specifications, data sheets & RFQ.
• Having knowledge with International Codes and Standards related to Design of Static Equipment.
• Having knowledge with calculation software for mechanical calculation: pressure vessel, pumps, compressors, HVAC, air cooler and heat exchanger.
• Having capability to analyze technical vendor quotation (TBE).

• Education: min. S-1 Mechanical Engineering Degree.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Good knowledge of piping engineering, piping layout, stress analysis and project management.
• Capable of specifying piping components & familiar with various oil & gas Industry standards for laying out facilities, statutory & insurance guideline for approval of facilities.
• Expert in preparing Piping Specifications, calculations, data sheets & RFQ.
• Having experience to perform site checking of piping system, type of pipe support installed & location in conformance with project construction drawing requirements design instruction & installation procedures.
• Having capability to analyze technical vendor quotation (TBE).
• Having knowledge with International Code & Industry Standard.

• Education: min. S-1 Mechanical Degree.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Good knowledge of piping engineering & pipe support design.
• Familiar with calculation and preparing reports of piping stress analysis using Autopipe plus or Caesar II 5.2.
• Having capability to analyze technical vendor quotation (TBE).
• Having experience to perform site checking of piping system, type of pipe support installed & location in conformance with project construction drawing requirements design instruction & installation procedures.

• Discipline: Piping, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument & Civil/Structural.
• Education: min. Technical/Senior High School + AutoCAD Course.
• Experience: min. 5 years experience in similar position.
• Expert in designing all aspect engineering based on disciplines.
• Good experience to check all drawings/inter-discipline drawings and vendor data.
• Good knowledge on AutoCAD (piping, mechanical, instrument and vessel design).

• Discipline: Piping, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument & Structural.
• Education: Technical/Senior High School + AutoCAD Course.
• Experience: min. 5 years in similar position.
• Good knowledge of discipline engineering drawings.
• Familiar & expert with drawing software (AutoCAD all version – Autoplant/ Isoplant, etc related to the discipline).
• Skilled to prepare drawings on discipline aspect based on design drawings cord. Instructions.

• Education : min. S1 any discipline of engineering.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Experience working on projects across a full life cycle from FEED, cost estimation, detailed design, construction and commissioning.
• Fully experience utilizing Primavera software, Microsoft Project or other relevant planning system.
• Able to define milestone, collect information, prepare progress report and compare with project schedule during project execution.
• In depth understanding of Maintenance Work Processes and Principals.

• Discipline: Electrical & Instrument, Piping, Mechanical, Civil/Structural.
• Education : min. S1 Degree in Engineering background.
• Senior: min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Junior: min. 5 years working experience in oil & gas industry.
• Good knowledge of project management, estimation, procurement, construction related to process equipment.
• Able to be a “Leader” to direct and manage a project team.
• Able to demonstrate leadership, ownership of works and integrity.
• Able to create and starter plan such as kick off meeting, organization, manpower plan, office facilities and budget plan, IT & permit requirement.
• Having the wide range of understanding on engineering key documents i.e. Plot Plan, PFD, P&ID, General Specification, International Code and Standard, HAZID & HAZOP, etc.
• Having high awareness of Contract/Agreement content including legal implication.

If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph & contact number in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary. Please indicate the position as email subject to: or
All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential. Only a short list of candidates will be interviewed.

RPE Group - Oil and Gas JOB VACANCY 2011

RPE Group
We are RPE GROUP also known as RPE-Engineering an EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) for oil and gas industry immediately looking for several positions to be placed in SINGAPORE for FPSO Project:

1. Senior Process Engineer
• Minimum Bachelor Degree from Chemical Engineer,
• Minimum 10 years offshore related experience which include floating vessel such as FPSO or any other similar vessel,
• Experience in PFD and PID development upstream process systems,
• Hazops up to construction supervision and process system commissioning,
• H2S and CO2 environment in process streams and definition of suitable “wetted parts”,
• Familiar with related standard and codes.

2. Senior Instrument and Control Engineer
• Minimum Bachelor Degree from Physics or Electrical Engineer,
• Minimum 10 years of applicable experience in the design, instrument equipment factory acceptance test, installation and start up of familiar system for offshore production facility and Gas Production & Compression Project in FPSO/FSO conversions,
• Familiar with related standard and codes,
• Have experience and understanding of offshore operational safety standards and procedures.

3. Senior Naval Architect
• Minimum Bachelor Degree from Naval Engineering,
• Minimum 10 years experience in hull repairs of FPSO/FSO conversions in meeting Class society requirements and in mooring system design,
• Familiar with related standard and codes.

4. Yard company Representatives
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Marine Engineer,
• Minimum 10 years experience in FPSO conversion projects in shipyards and in supervision of tanker repairs and conversion.
For Jakarta Office

5. Engineer
• Minimum Bachelor Degree from related major (Electrical/Chemical/Civil or Ocean/ Physics/Mechanical or Metallurgy/Naval Architect Engineer),
• For Senior Engineer minimum 8 years experience in design engineer oil and gas industry,
• For Engineer minimum 3 years experiences in design engineering oil and gas industry,
• Familiar with related standard and codes,
• Good command in English,
• Good computer literacy and other proficient related software.

6. Contract Engineer
• Bachelor degree in engineering,
• At least 5 years experience as Contract Engineer at EPC Company,
• Having good understanding in the fundamental of condition of commercial contracts.

7. Process Safety Engineer
• Bachelor degree in Process, Chemical or Petroleum Engineering,
• Must have been the engineer responsible for the upgrade design of similar brown field process systems including MAR (Maximum Risk Reduction),
• Experience in QRA/Sensitivity/ALARP,
• Familiarization on FLAC model for Fire explosion study.

8. Rotating Machinery Engineer
• Minimum Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering,
• Minimum of 10 years of experience in mechanical engineering design including brown field modification and construction of offshore oil & gas production facility with at least 2 rotating machinery projects,
• Mechanical, reliability, facility, or rotating equipment design engineering experience,
• Broad understanding of various rotating equipment manufacturer products and services,
• Detailed knowledge of applicable codes and standards,
• Experience in updating of specification and design of brown field process compression machinery,
• Ensuring the specified machinery will meet operational envelopes specified on the process data sheets in a safe and efficient manner.

9. Site Manager
• Good leadership and project management skills,
• Experience min. 3 years with fabrication, service and repair for heavy equipment products in same position,
• Familiar with undercarriage, frame repair, line boring and machining for heavy equipment component,
• Welding engineer certified will be highly regarded.

10. Project Engineer
• Minimum 4 years experience in oil & gas in related duties,
• Better than average numeric ability,
• Experience to handle project meeting, project filling and archiving system,
• Ensure the proper coordination between the Engineering and Procurement disciplines.

Please send your application (max. 200 kb) by November 2nd, 2009 at the latest with POSITION AND YOUR NAME ON YOUR EMAIL SUBJECT to :

ELNUSA - Oil and Gas JOB VACANCY 2011

    In 2010, Elnusa is ready to run fast with advantageous performance to usher energy business opportunity that has become one of the priority sectors in Indonesia national policy. Focused strategy in core competency is conducted intensively to create double growth in an estimated amount of IDR 6 trillion in 2014, making Elnusa as a billion dollar company. As the only national company capable of providing integrated services in oil & gas exploration and production, Elnusa is committed to providing the best, a testimonial to its value contribution to the people. Among the important matters is prime service. Attention to customer satisfaction is taken into account remembering the very tight competition in professional competency along with high-tech capitalization. Upstream oil & gas services always face head-on challenges and need competent human capital.
      Elnusa’s core competency covers Geoscience, Drilling and Oilfield Services always strengthened by Elnusa. In particular Geoscience, Elnusa is a market leader in national market in land seismic segment. Elnusa will also develop competitive advantage in marine seismic and transition zone segments as part of its offshore market penetration strategy.
    Elnusa Drilling Services has the competitive edge in providing integrated drilling services. Elnusa has recently completed its purchase and received the delivery of a new technology fullyautomatic Modular Rig in comparison to the existing conventional rigs in the market.
Elnusa Oilfield Services is a 20-years Indonesia market leader in integrated well and oil & gas field maintenance services, including hydraulic workover. Elnusa Oilfield Services is also competent in oil & gas field production operations, in particular Improved Oil Recovery (IOR).
The focus of service sector business is on competency, efficiency and hardware. In oil & gas industry, aside from focusing on competency, efficiency and hardware, Elnusa also has to focus on technology and HSE (Health, Safety and Environment). Elnusa is capable of playing an important role in national and regional oil & gas sector.
Now we are opening position for:
1. Preferable Male, age between 30-45 years old.
2. Having knowledge & Experience in oil & gas min 10 years as Chief Electric Drilling Rig
1. Preferable Male, age between 30-45 years old.
2. Having knowledge & Experience in oil & gas min 10 years as Chief Mechanic Drilling Rig

Chief Operator
1. Preferable Male, age between 35-45 years old.
2. Having knowledge & Experience in oil & gas min 10 years as Chief Operator.
General Requirements : Willing to travel to remote sites, strong analytical skill, computer literacy is a must, fluent in English both oral and written, familiar with HSE requirements and safe practice of work, competencies in Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Achievement Motivation.

Requirement :
Communicate in English, shall have a minimum of eight (8) years of drilling experience, of which four (4) years of experience are at the driller level. Shall have Wellcap IADC & MIGAS Certificate.

1. Preferable Male, age between 25-35 years old
2. Preferably minimum education: Bachelor degree (S1) of Petroleum Engineer, Geology Engineer from reputable University (GPA min 2.75 scale of 4)
3. Having knowledge & Experience in oil & gas min 5 years at the same related area or position .

1. Preferable Male, age between 25-35 years old
2. Min D3 Graduated, Majoring Engineering from reputable University (GPA min 2.75 scale of 4)
3. Having 3 years experience and knowledge of Rig Superintendent for snubbing unit /work over (will be advantage in Oil & Gas Industry)
General Requirements : Willing to travel to remote sites, strong analytical skill, computer literacy is a must, fluent in English both oral and written, familiar with HSE requirements and safe practice of work, competencies in Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Achievement Motivation.

1. Preferable Male, age between 25-35 years old
2. Min S1 Graduated, Majoring Engineering/Petroleum/Geology from reputable University (GPA min 2.75 scale of 4)
3. Having 5 years experience and knowledge of snubbing unit /work over (will be advantage in Oil & Gas Industry)
General Requirements : Willing to travel to remote sites, strong analytical skill, computer literacy is a must, fluent in English both oral and written, familiar with HSE requirements and safe practice of work, H2S Certified, Competencies in Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Achievement Motivation.

1. Male / Female, min. 25 and max. 40 years old
2. Min S1 Graduated in Finance (Management/Accounting) from any reputable university with minimum GPA 2.75 of 4.00
3. Preferable have experiences in Corporate Planning (Accounting, Budgeting, Management, Strategic) in Oil & Gas Company
4. Fluent in English (both written and oral)
5. Computer literate (MS Office: Power Point, MS Excel, Word, Project, Outlook)
6. Have good Communication and Interpersonal Skill
7. Have a good social activity

• Preferable Male, age between 25-40 years old.
• Diploma or Bachelor degree from a Reputable university, Majoring : K3, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Geology Engineer, Petroleum Engineer with minimum GPA, 2.75 of 4.00.
• Having 2-5 years experience as Health and Safety Officer at a mining, Oil & Gas industries, laboratory, and/or heavy equipment industries.
• Have well knowledge about HSE implementation at Drilling Operation, Workshop and Reservoir Evaluation Service Operation.
• Good understanding of minerals / petro / enviro lab process and services
• Familiar with ISO 17025, trained and certified HSE/K3 is an advantage
• English and computer literacy are a must.
• Willing to travel to remote site areas
• Other Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, Achievement Motivation.

Mud Engineer
1. Preferable Male, age between 25-35 years old
2. Min S1 Graduated, Majoring Petroleum Engineering/Chemical Engineering from reputable University (GPA min 2.75 scale of 4)
3. Having knowledge & Experience in oil & gas min 3 years at the same related area or position
1. Preferable Male, age between 25-35 years old
2. Min S1 Graduated, Majoring Engineering/Electrician/Industry from reputable University (GPA min 2.75 scale of 4)
3. Having 2 years experience and knowledge of H2S Engineer for snubbing unit /work over (will be advantage in Oil & Gas Industry)

General Requirements : Willing to travel to remote sites, strong analytical skill, computer literacy is a must, fluent in English both oral and written, familiar with HSE requirements and safe practice of work, competencies in Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Achievement Motivation.
Apply online at:

PT Mitra Bahtera Segara Sejati (MBSS) - Naval Engineering JOB VACANCY 2011

PT Mitra Bahtera Segara Sejati (MBSS) - As a leading logistics provider to the Indonesian Coal industry PT. Mitra Bahtera SegaraSejati is proud to have grown with the Coal industry and had earned the reputation one of the leading tugs and barges operators in Indonesia. MBSS provides One Stop Fully Integrated Solutions to the logistical needs of the Indonesian Coal industries ranging from shore based barge loading facility to the offshore loading of the ocean going vessels.

HSE Superintendent
- Male, age max 30 years old of age
- Min Bachelor degree in Engineering/Public Health (FKM)
- Minimum 3-5 years industrial experience in HSE in Mining industry.
Role & Responsibilities:
- To conduct implementation HSE System
- To conduct on investigation incident or accident
- To conduct familiarize / induction with Safety policy to new member or guest
- Improve employees performances in term of Safety awareness
- Evaluation & improve HSE system in Site and Appraisal HSE report in writing

Port Engineer
- Male, age max 30 years old of age
- Min ATT III / Naval Engineering
- Minimum 3-5 years industrial experience in Mining industry.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Reviews repair request and compares request with previous work accomplished on ship concerned and similar vessels to determine that expenditures are economically sound.
- Prepares recommendations for work, and initiates procurement of materials.
- Maintains records of engineering costs for each vessel, such as repairs, supplies, and personnel.

HSE Admin
- Female, age max 28 years old of age
- Min High School or Diploma III
- Minimum 1-2 years industrial experience in HSE in Mining industry.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Monitoring Log Book & fill in and back up data files in office
- To maintain all safety equipments/ safety appliances
- Administer investigation incident or accident

Port Captain
- Male, age maximal 30 years old
- Minimum DIII, majoring in Nautical/ ANT III (Preferably fresh graduate), GPA min : 2,75
Role & Responsibilities:
- Ensure loading coal from port to barge
- Ensure transshipment process from barge to mother vessel
- Handling vessel crew request
- Monitoring crew performance on the vessel

Junior Port Captain
- Male, age maximal 30 years old
- Majoring in Nautical/ ANT IV
Role & Responsibilities:
- Assist Port Captain to ensure loading coal from port to barge
- Assist Port Captain to ensure transshipment process from barge to mother vessel

- Fluent in English both oral & written.
- Good Computer literate (MS Word, Office & Power Point)
- Willing to be placed in KALIMANTAN SITE

To apply for this position, please forward your application together with a detailed resume including recent colour photograph to:
PO BOX 4534 JKTM 12700
Or e-mail to: and/or

OPAC Barata - Oil and Gas JOB VACANCY 2011

OPAC Barata, a consultant company in oil and gas industry is established since 1999. Our Long Term Aim is to create and give value. Both tangible and in the hearts and minds of the people who work here and deal with us. Currently we have some projects with some International Oil Company and require, contract personnel for positions below:

• High school or higher level education and more than 15 years of oil field experience in a supervisory capacity; or an equivalent combination of education and/or relevant experience;
• Experience in handling drilling high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) well;
• Posses basic geology, geophysical, reservoir/petroleum, oil & gas operation, especially in HPHT environment, well control, drilling through fracture carbonate with loss/ kick issues
Risk Management, well log, cementing, directional drilling, hazardous waste operations
Testing and Completion Fundamentals, drilling fluids, environment and safety;
• Able to demonstrate Leadership skills, communication skills, team player, and problem solving;
• Strong ability to manage risk and ability to perform in high stress situations.

• Law degree from a recognized Indonesian university and having master degree from overseas university is preferable;
• Able to professionally and with confidence negotiate, draft, review and conclude contracts in a practical and efficient manner;
• Seven (7) years of experience as a corporate or transactional attorney with at least 3 years representing or employed by companies in the oil & gas industry;
• Familiarity with the customs, standards and development of the oil & gas industry and its regulation in Indonesia;
• In depth knowledge of Indonesian civil, commercial and oil and gas law and regulation and general familiarity with tax. Import / export and land use laws;
• Ability to work under pressure and deal with culturally diverse people;
• Ability to travel to within Indonesia and occasionally to other cities in Southeast Asia (about 10 % of time);
• Good oral and written communication skills;
• Ability to respond to operational needs on a timely basis, including outside of normal working hours when necessary;
• Positive attitude towards and proven experience in working with and coordinating teams of diverse professionals.

• Engineering degree from a recognized University in the discipline;
• Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in Oil and Gas sector for engineering in the Process discipline;
• Minimum of 3 years of Pre-project / pre FEED activity for Process discipline;
• Fluent in English, written and spoken;
• Proficient with Oil and Gas International Codes and Standards and soft ware for the discipline;
• Previous experiences in Flow Assurance studies.

• Indonesian national;
• Bachelor Degree in relevant discipline;
• 10 years experience as Petrophysicist in oil and gas industry;
• Knowledge of Interactive Pakcage (IP) Software + other package;
• Able to perform with minimum supervision.

Should you have qualification above, please forward your CV to:

Torishima Guna Engineering - Oil and Gas JOB VACANCY

Torishima Guna Engineering is an Indonesian joint venture between Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Japan and Guna Elektro of Indonesia. Established in 1984 as Pumps Manufacturer, currently we are expanding our businesses to serve the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure markets.
In order to support our operations, we are currently looking for candidates who search for long term career and have strong commitment to growth together with the company.

• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Electrical Engineering from reputable universities
• At least 1 year of industrial sales experience in manufacturing, oil & gas, pumps or related industries
• Resourceful and competent in achieving sales target
• Good interpersonal skills and have the ability to build good rapport with customers
• Dynamic, aggressive and enterprising personality with the ability to thrive under pressure
• Possess own vehicle will be an advantage

• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Electrical Engineering from reputable universities
• At least 2 years solid experience as Estimator in oil & gas projects, pumps or other related industries
• Having strong networking in supply chain
• Good knowledge in oil & gas service and rotating equipments
• Good command in English

• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable universities
• At least 7 years of working experience as Procurement is required
• Having previous experience in workshop/ trading or engineering companies
• Having extensive knowledge on pipes, valves, pumps or other related products
• Having experience in vendor selection, request for quotation, technical check, negotiation and purchasing
• Good networking with both local and international vendors
• Good knowledge in custom clearance, tax and banking process
• Good communication skill and team player
• Good command in English

• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering from reputable universities
• At least 5 years of experience in handling Mechanical & Electrical works in a project
• Computer literate (Microsoft Office, AutoCAD)
• Having knowledge in pumps is an advantage
• Good command in English

• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering from reputable universities
• At least 9 years of experience in handling Mechanical & Electrical works in a project
• Having excellent time management skill, includes planning and organizing
• Computer literate (Microsoft Office, AutoCAD)
• Extensive pump knowledge is a must
• Good command in English

• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering from reputable universities
• At least 12 years of experience in handling Mechanical & Electrical works in a project
• Having excellent time management skill, includes planning and organizing
• Having ability to solve problems
• Having strong influences in consultancy, negotiation and analytical skill
• Extensive pump knowledge is a must
• Good command in English

If you are interested to explore this opportunities, please kindly forward your resume to:

AMEC Berca Indonesia (ABI) - Oil and Gas JOB VACANCY 2011

PT. AMEC Berca Indonesia (ABI) a Joint venture company of CCM Group and AMEC Group providing engineering & asset support services to the Indonesian oil and gas industry is seeking high qualified candidates to strengthen our team. The company provides high-value, innovative design, engineering and asset support solutions to the oil & gas industry and plans to expand to other market segments and develop into EPC Company.


Technical Competencies:
• Experienced in the use of appropriate codes of practice, standards and relevant sections of statutory documentation
• Experienced in use of design and assessment methods within discipline
• Experienced in use of analytical methods within discipline including theoretical background for analysis work (both manual and computerised)
• Experienced in planning, progress monitoring, forecasting and reporting
• Competent in commercial, contractual and administrative aspects of engineering
• Experienced in managing all aspects of discipline design and engineering activities including multi-discipline aspects
• Competent in safety, health, environmental, and quality documented methods and practices for engineering
• Highly experienced in producing manhour and deliverables estimate (CTR) for discipline activities
• Competent in leading, supervising and organising of medium / large sized single discipline team within a project
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Electrical / Physics major
• Minimum 12 years of Instrument engineering and design experience in EPC oil & gas industry
• Experience team leader with a proven track record of performance improvement
• Excellent communications in both written and spoken in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Technical Competencies:
• Experienced in the use of appropriate codes of practice, standards and relevant sections of statutory documentation
• Experienced in use of design and assessment methods within discipline
• Experienced in use of analytical methods within discipline including theoretical background for analysis work (both manual and computerised)
• Aware in planning, progress monitoring, forecasting and reporting
• Aware in commercial, contractual and administrative aspects of engineering project
• Competent in safety, health, environmental, and quality documented methods and practices for engineering
• Capable in producing manhour and deliverables estimate (CTR) for delegated aspects of work
• Capable in supervising and technically directing a small single discipline team of engineers and designers
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering
• Minimum 7 years of Process engineering and design experience in the oil & gas industry
• Excellent communications in both written and spoken in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Technical Competencies:
• Experienced in the use of appropriate codes of practice, standards and relevant sections of statutory documentation
• Experienced in use of design and assessment methods within discipline
• Experienced in use of analytical methods within discipline including theoretical background for analysis work (both manual and computerised)
• Aware in planning, progress monitoring, forecasting and reporting
• Aware in commercial, contractual and administrative aspects of engineering project
• Competent in safety, health, environmental, and quality documented methods and practices for engineering
• Capable in producing manhour and deliverables estimate (CTR) for delegated aspects of work
• Capable in supervising and technically directing a small single discipline team of engineers and designers
• Capable performing design of Fire Water system i.e Hydrant, Monitor, Sprinkler, Deluge etc. as well as and utilizing its relevant software of Pressure drop hydraulic simulation and Water hammer Analysis
• Capable performing design of Foam Extinguishing System
• Capable performing Noise Study and utilizing its relevant software
• Capable performing concept design of Fire Gas Detection, Safety Equipment and Escape Route
• Capable in justification of Hazardous Area Classification
• Well understand of Passive Fire Protection
• Well understand of HAZOP Study and utilizing its relevant software
• Capable performing Flare/ Vent Radiation and Dispersion Study and utilizing its relevant software
• Well understand basic principle designing of Clean Agent Extinguishing systems (i.e FM200/ Inergen/ Argonite/ CO2 System), Local application and Total Flooding Fixed Dry Powder and Water Mist System
• Capable performing Safety Assessment Plant such as Fire and Blasting Study, Evacuation Escape and Rescue Study, Smoke & Gas Movement Ingress Study, Temporary Refuge Integrity Study, Emergency System Vulnerability Study, Passive Fire Protection study etc. and utilizing any relevant softwares
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Chemical, Physic or Mechanical major
• Minimum 7 years of Technical Safety engineering and design experience in the oil & gas industry
• Excellent communications in both written and spoken in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Technical Competencies:
• Knowledge and understanding of HR functions, including Recruitment and Selection, Training and development, Employee Relations, Medical and Insurance Benefits, Compensation and Benefits, Reward and Recognition, Induction and Performance Management
• Ability to develop HR process and procedures along the aforementioned functions
• Ability to review existing business processes and develop proposals in order to align said processes to the overall business objective of building high performance teams
• Ability to operate Microsoft office (word, excel, outlook, etc)
• Minimum 7 years hands on experience in HR functions and 3 years in oil & gas industry
• Minimum bachelor degree in management, psychology, engineering or any business / management course
• Good communication skills and fluency in the English language

Technical Competencies:
• Fully developed, professional SHEQ with substantial experiences and expertise in structuring/designing, documentation development, maintaining and improving Management System
• Good knowledge of principal International recognised standard for Management System such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
• Familiar with engineering codes of practices and standards which using commonly in oil & gas industries such as API, ASME, ASTM,ANSI, BS, ISO, ISA, IEC, NACE, etc.
• Familiar with local specific and common international legislation in Occupational Health & Safety, Environment, Quality Assurance, Inspection/Testing and certification, and able to consolidate resources to provide advise if relevant parties need it
• Able to translate company objectives to be formulated to long term and yearly SHEQ functional objectives/strategies and be able to evaluate their performance to provide necessary action to be taken for achievement
• Able to plan, implement audit program and evaluating/analysing audit result trends to provide recommendation for management
• Able to demonstrate the leadership, control and supervision on professional S& H, E and Quality Advisor and Administration resources to assist ABI team
• Minimum 12 years overall experience in EP or C or OM contractor/oil & gas business
• Minimum 7 years experience as a professional SHEQ Advisor (or equivalent) in EP or C or OM contractor/oil & gas business, or 3 years experiences as ABI Senior SHEQ Advisor (or equivalent)
• Excellent communications in both written and spoken in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Technical Competencies:
• Experienced in the use of appropriate codes of practice, standards and relevant sections of statutory documentation
• Experienced in use of design and assessment methods within discipline
• Experienced in use of analytical methods within discipline including theoretical background for analysis work (both manual and computerised)
• Capable in planning, progress monitoring, forecasting and reporting
• Capable in commercial, contractual and administrative aspects of engineering project
• Capable in managing all aspects of discipline design and engineering project activities including multi-discipline aspects
• Competent in safety, health, environmental, and quality documented methods and practices for engineering
• Experienced in producing manhour and deliverables estimate (CTR) for discipline activities
• Capable in leading, supervising and organising of small / medium sized single discipline team within a project
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mechanical major
• Minimum 10 years of piping engineering and design experience in EPC oil & gas industry
• Capable being a team leader with a proven track record of performance improvement
• Excellent communications in both written and spoken in English and Bahasa Indonesia

We will provide an attractive salary package for qualified candidate.
Please submit a comprehensive Resume (word format) with name of position in “subject” not later than June 10th 2011 to:
(Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further processes).



Machine Shop Technician
A shop technician responsible for performs various repair by fabrication new metal material with late, milling, grinding or drilling machines and also competence repair various pumps, compressors, fan coolers, valves and small engine. The technician may also assist engineers in testing new equipment.
• Diploma Degree of Mechanical engineering.
• Minimum five (5) years experience as Machine Shop Technician.
• Ability to read and create mechanical drawings and sketches.
• Advanced knowledge of machining equipment and use of metal cutting lathe, mill and grinders.
• Familiar with rotating equipment not limited with pumps, compressors, fan coolers, small engines.
• Must be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English, have good written and oral communication skills.
Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply.
To apply please visit: not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement.

HS Compression & Process Pte Ltd - Oil and Gas JOB VACANCY

HS Compression & Process Pte Ltd 
HS Compression & Process Pte Ltd custom designs and fabricates both Compressor and Process modules for the Oil & Gas and other energy related industries. As part of our expansion. we arc seeking experienced operators to complement our staff.

• 5 years in the operation of compressors units with motor and engine driver
• Experience in other process equipment like Gas Dehydration units, etc. would be an advantage
• Good verbal and written skills in English, other languages would be an advantage
• Good interpersonal skills
• Able to travel

As we serve our worldwide clients, the position will entail travel and may include rotating job assignment. Candidates must be healthy and willing to take assignment~ as posted. The selected candidate will be part of the Commissioning team, and will also be supporting fabrication and commissioning.
Interested and qualified candidates are invited to send their resume, photograph and 2 references to: 

Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email for an interview